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Department of Pharmacology





The laboratory is equipped for molecular biology; protein purification and expression in bacteria, insect and mammalian cells; immunoblotting and gel documentation; patch-clamp recording with fluorescence; bilayer and patch-clamp recording; fluorescence polarization measurements; high-throughput fluorescence measurements in 96-well plates; use of radiochemicals;and advanced optical imaging.

Major items of equipment include:

  • Patch-clamp rigs and PortaPatch equipment.
  • High-throughput automated plate readers for fluorescence (FlexStations) and fluorescence polarization (PHERAStar) with Corbett robot.
  • Gel analysis and documentation (Syngene PXi).
  • Radiochemical facilities.
  • Olympus microscopes (4) equipped for super-resolution and confocal analyses, use of caged compounds, and time-lapse measurements in environmental cabinets. Supported by off-line workstations.
  • Cell culture facility.


Antibodies and plasmids

Please address requests for reagents to Professor Taylor ( When submitting a request, please include the published reference, code/name of the reagent, and its intended use.