Web Server
http://www.phar.cam.ac.uk is the Department of Pharmacology website. It is run by Mr Abbi Abbioui (Webmaster), and the content is maintained and updated by Daniel Paolo Juan (Communications and Events Coordinator) All technical queries can be sent to webmaster(add:@)phar.cam.ac.uk. The website has been tested with:
- Internet Explorer 11
- FireFox 56 & higher
- Safari
- Chrome
Use only Firefox or Chrome for editing your page.
Once you have logged-on to your page, a green "Editing bar" will be shown at the top of your page. Click "Edit" to move from view mode to editing. Now you can expand the window by pulling the bottom right corner.
The icons at the top of the editing box have title tags that indicate how you use them, you can type straight into the window, creating paragraphs automatically when you add returns. You can copy/past, add tables, titles...etc. To add links you highlight the type you want to be the link text and click on the chain icon to add or edit a link (you are then given the option to go to the file system to find the file you want to link to, or paste in the url and are able to check the destination). There are a number of styles built in for you - highlight the text you wish to apply the style to and go to the pop-down list to select the style you wish to add.
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For more information visit the following links: