Material and resources for Department of Pharmacology are hosted on Moodle.
Moodle is a flexible Virtual Learning Environment that is designed to support face-to-face teaching with a wide range of versatile online tools, as well as providing a place to upload resources for courses. It is very popular around the world as a tool for creating online dynamic teaching sites and supporting classroom training.test
Students are automatically registered on the course they are studying on Moodle.
If you are not please contact your course organiser:
- MVSTIB - course organiser Prof van Veen,
- NSTIB - course organiser Dr Millington,
- BBS & NST Part II - course organiser Dr Bulmer,
Student Complaints Procedure
The Student Complaint Procedure has three stages detailed here.
In all cases contact must be made within 28 days of the complaint arising to the departmental Responsible Officer: Thury Agustsdottir, Department Administrator, tel: 34002.
Exam Review Procedure
There is now one procedure for both undergraduate and postgraduate students who wish to request a review of their examination results following receipt of their final results.
In general, plagiarism can be defined as: the unacknowledged use of the work of others as if this were your own original work.
In the context of an examination, this amounts to: passing off the work of others as your own to gain unfair advantage.
Note that the use of essays purchased from any source or copied from other students is unacceptable regardless of whether the source is acknowledged.
Such use of unfair means will not be tolerated by the University - if detected, the penalty may be severe and may lead to failure to obtain your degree.
For further information, please consult the Faculty of Biology’s statement on plagiarism, the University’s statement, and the Part II/BBS handbook.
Information for BBS students only
The Teaching Committee of the Department of Pharmacology has agreed the following procedure agreed by the Biological Sciences Committee of the NST will be applied to submitted work by BBS students.
If, during marking by an examiner, plagiarism is suspected in a piece of submitted work, the work will be marked as normal and then turned over to the Senior Examiner. The electronic version will then be passed on to the Scrutiny Officer within the Department/course for checking with Turnitin.
If analysis by Turnitin supports initial suspicions of plagiarism, the Chair of Examiners will be informed, who will proceed as per the following advice.
To facilitate the use of Turnitin, all BBS students will be asked to sign a form that gives permission for their dissertations to be submitted to the Turnitin system should the examiners require this.
This form will be distributed by the Faculty during Michaelmas term and you will be asked to sign and return it for our files.
It is vital that you read this document in full regarding plagiarism and Turnitin.
Transferable skills
We provide a list of possible transferable skills for your consultation. Please have a look here.