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Department of Pharmacology


As a Department, we are highly committed to constantly striving to maintain and improve a positive, healthy research and innovation culture. This culture nurtures diverse people and ideas without compromising the quality and integrity of our research. We constantly review our relevant practices and work closely with the Research Culture Champions Network within the School of Biological Sciences and the wider University to discuss and adopt the best practices in this regard.

Image courtesy: Vitate

Code of Practice for Research Students

The Code of Practice sets out the University's guidelines for those postgraduate courses examined by scrutiny of an extended research thesis and an oral examination only. It includes sections on what is expected of you as a research student, and what you can expect of your Principal Supervisor and your Advisor. For further information, follow the link in the right-hand sidebar.

If you are currently undertaking study towards a postgraduate qualification, it is your responsibility to ensure you understand and comply with the regulations of the University.

Research Integrity Statement

From the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research (full Research Integrity Statement can be found HERE):

The University of Cambridge is committed to achieving excellence in research and scholarship. The pursuit of excellent research and the fulfilment of our responsibilities to participants in research, research users and the wider community require the maintenance of the highest standards of integrity and ethics.

To maintain the high standards of research practice at Cambridge, the University will uphold the commitments outlined in Universities UK’s Concordat to Support Research Integrity. The information on the University of Cambridge website regarding the Research Integrity Statement sets out the principles to which all research and scholarship at the University of Cambridge should adhere and provides guidance on where to seek further advice on specific research integrity issues.


Research Integrity Checklist

The Research Office has also produced a Research Integrity checklist, to assist students and supervisors in addressing issues of research integrity.