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Department of Pharmacology


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Pre-Clinical Lead of ADVANTAGE visceral pain Advanced Pain Discovery Platform consortium

"Prof. Ewan St. John Smith is the Pre-Clinical Lead on the ADVANTAGE visceral pain Advanced Pain Discovery Platform consortium that links up basic scientists, clinicians, charities and patients to enhance understanding of what drives visceral pains."

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Dr David Bulmer

Collaborations with industry - GSK and Sosei-Heptares

Work in the Bulmer lab supported by funding from GlaxoSmithKline and Sosei-Heptares seeks to understand the utility of GPR35 agonists as treatments of pain in IBS patients.



Prof Mark Howarth

Co-founder of SpyBiotech

"Having established collaborations with some great academic colleagues [...] it seemed like starting a company was the best way to take the science forward. Together we founded SpyBiotech in 2017, with various of our former lab members as the first scientists.

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Dr Paul Miller

Industry Collaboration

Dr Paul Miller is involved in three separate antibody design projects to target ion channels and improve biodistribution, for example, brain penetration, in collaboration with Astra Zeneca. Dr Paul Miller also supports small molecule drug design projects through the engineering of ion channel scaffolds, in collaboration with F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG.



Prof Ewan St. John Smith

 AstraZeneca, GSK and Beiersdorf

Ewan's group has a range of industrial funding, having received support from AstraZeneca, GSK and Beiersdorf.

Ewan is also the Pre-Clinical Lead of ADVANTAGE visceral pain Advanced Pain Discovery Platform consortium

"Prof. Ewan St. John Smith is the Pre-Clinical Lead on the ADVANTAGE visceral pain Advanced Pain Discovery Platform consortium that links up basic scientists, clinicians, charities and patients to enhance understanding of what drives visceral pains."

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    Dr Catherine Wilson

    Collaboration with AstraZeneca

    The Wilson laboratory works in collaboration with Astra Zeneca to forward the development of a novel modified

    mRNA cardiac regenerative therapeutic that drives endogenous healing.