Submitted by D.P. Juan on Tue, 11/06/2024 - 11:18
Every year, our Department runs events to commemorate Mental Health Awareness Week. We also take this time to run a Photo Competition!
This competition gives our members a creative outlet for their photography skills outside of research, particularly as the majority of photos and images produced is for research.
This year, our theme was "Movement". We had a good number of submissions, which our Judging Panel graded according to:
1) relationship to the theme of “Movement”
2) originality
3) overall composition
Our winner is Ned Wills with his photo "Pigeons of Plymouth".
Our hounoruable mentions are:
"Smoke ring from Mount Etna" by Graham Ladds
"Ripples and Stones" by Jen Drumond Baptista
"Bee Flying in Meadow" by Stephanie Nestorow
"Briksdalsgreen Glacier in Norway" by Nadine Law