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Department of Pharmacology


At the Department of Pharmacology, we believe that a diverse and inclusive environment provides enormous advantages to the experience of all staff and students.

We recognise that long-standing systemic inequalities and racism result in structural and institutional barriers within Academic institutions, which prevent some people from benefitting from opportunities granted to others. The existence of these inequalities is the very reason why an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy is necessary, and we believe that the promotion of an inclusive culture within the Department is an important step toward dismantling these systemic issues.

As the Department EDI committee, we want to ensure best practices are in place, we want to develop new strategies to promote the Department’s inclusive culture and, ultimately, we want to progress equality, diversity, and inclusion.

We are aware that creating a more diverse workforce will not on its own address prejudice and discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion etc.

Therefore, we want to create a community that everyone feels part of, is inclusive in its research, education, and work, is family-friendly, encourages and promotes under-represented groups and values diversity in a way that is embedded in existing processes and structures, measurable and transparent.

Ultimately, we want to provide an environment where everyone feels safe, supported, respected, and enabled to reach their full potential

E & D Member List

Dr Janet Kumita - Chair

Mrs Deborah Stanley - Secretary/minutes

Thury Agustsdottir

Nadine Law

Dr Sara Pensa

Dr Cathrine Wilson

Dr Cathrine Lindon

Ms Jenny Nicole Drumond Baptista

Mateo Hoare

Dr Taufiq Rahman


Professor Laura Itzhaki

Daniel Paolo Juan

Rowda Dahir

Dr Camilla Ascanelli

Onyeka Awunor

Dr Paul  Miller

Dr Paul Miller



Thank you to Sara for her work in photographing the subjects of the Women in Pharmacology page.